If you do not specify a directory when creating your database backup, the SQL file will be placed in the /html folder.

Once the content is uploaded, the database is imported, and the database table prefix in the wp-conf file is updated, your site should be migrated. For example, if your tables looks similar to the following: wp_ary2vyj2rw_options then you will want to update your tables to: $table_prefix = 'wp_ary2vyj2rw_' You will need to replace the existing table prefix in the wp-config.php file with the one from your previous host. You will need to look for a line that looks similar to the following and modify it.

This is done by editing the wp-config file that exists in your site root. If you have a WordPress site, you may need to update the the table prefix. Once completed, you should get a success message similar to the following.Depending on the size, this can take a few minutes. If it is a zipped file, please unzip the file first.Browse to your local database file and click Open.Click on the Browse button next to "Location of the text file.".Click on Import from the top set of tabs.On the left-side, select your database.If you require a refresher on how to accomplish this, please view the following: How do I create a database? How do I create a database? How do I create a database? How do I create a database? If you are planning to import to a brand new database, you will want to ensure that the database is created first.If you import a backup file to a database that already has content, it will replace the existing content.